On Scalability, Capacity, and Sensitivity
Often, when one hears the word “Scalable” used in a context, it is used in an informal way. It is a fuzzy term, used by people to say that their system can handle the future. As if one has divine knowledge of what happens. What is often meant is how the system handles additional load, for some measure of load. That is, if a company is succesful, and it gains 10 times as many users as now, the system the company uses to run their business keeps operating with next to no perceivable drop in behavior.
Breaking Erlang Maps #4
In Part 1, we set up the basic generators. In Part 2, we introduced the use of a stateful model to track what happens “inside” the map, as we generate and execute random tests. In Part 3, we addressed a major problem in a Map-implementation: how it handles key collisions. The power of having a model for a subsystem is layering. Whenever you get a new idea on how you can improve the model, that improvement gets mixed in with every other idea you’ve had automatically.
Breaking Erlang Maps #3
Easter hacking on the Maps Erlang QuickCheck model is progressing nicely. And I have new interesting findings to report. I started by trying to generate very large maps, in order to get some collisions on the underlying hash value. At 25.000 elements and a 32-bit hash, we can approximate the chance of a collision by a Taylor expansion of the birthday paradox. If we take n = 25000 k = 65536 * 65536 C = 1-exp(-(n*(n-1)/2)/k) and my approximation calculation is right, then C is 0.
Breaking Erlang Maps #2
This is part 2 in my work on using QuickCheck for Erlang to find errors in maps. I assume the reader is familiar with the first part, though I’ll start with a quick recap. From where we came In the first part, we built a generator which could generate data to put into maps. When we request something of type map_term(), we get a random term we can push into a map.
Breaking Erlang Maps #1
Introduction Erlang got a new data structure in release 17.0, the map(). This structure is a finite mapping from keys to values with a flat internal representation: a map is essentially two arrays: one of sorted keys and one of values. In turn, maps in this so-called flatmap representation are efficient for small map sizes, but they don’t perform well for large maps. Release 18.0 is going to eliminate the large-map problem.
Solving the Go Challenge #1 in Erlang
The first Go challenge is over. So by now, I can take my Erlang solution and write about how you would go around solving the challenge in Erlang. I’m deliberately skipping some details in Erlang, so don’t expect me to explain all the nitty-gritty parts. I do hope a reader with some programming language experience can follow along, even if you have had very little exposure to functional programming. The goal of the challenge is to implement a parser for a binary format.
Ranking 4 Million Quake Live Duels in 1.5 seconds
The last couple of days, I’ve been toying with a little hobby project of mine. The project is to rank players which player Quake Live duels, and I have reported on it before. I’ve been gathering duels since February 2012 up to now. The project is written as a hybrid. Most of the code for storage, retrieval and presentation is written in Erlang. The ranking code is written in Go.
ProgLang design with evidence
Let us assume the programming language market is effective and free. In this case, the best programming languages are the most popular ones: PHP, Javascript, Java, C#, C, C++ and so on. By definition, fringe languages can’t be the best languages. New fringe languages, like Go and Rust still has a chance in this world order, but long-time languages like Common Lisp, Haskell and OCaml are all dead. They have tried to show their worth for real-world development, but have been forever displaced into the dark corners of academia.
Mnesia and Cap
We start out with the TL;DR treatise: The mnesia database is not CP, nor AP. And it cannot be CA, because CA doesn’t make any meaningful sense. In short, it is broken with respect to the CAP theorem. Note: Things get subtle once you begin digging into the intricacies of the CAP theorem. I am not a native speaker of English, though Danish is “dangerously close”. I apologize in advance for my mistakes, and beg of you to write a correction if I stray too far from understandable prose.
Quickcheck Advice
Roberto Aloi has written a nice write-up about QuickCheck with a lot of good advice[0]. This is my attempt to add to those notes and come up with a set of additional advice you can use. There is one problem I hear again and again with QC. Which is “How do I start on doing this for this particular project?” The premise is that you have an existing project and want to magically QuickCheck it so you can know that it works.
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